Insurance Tips

Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Turn Your Health Insurance Prospects to Customers

Leads within the industry of insurance dwells on the idea that health insurance prospects are individuals who are shopping for different types of insurance coverage. They submit their personal information that they provide over online forms to lead generation websites. This information is sold to insurance brokers and agents who are also searching for possible buyers of their products. These agents or brokers make sure that their possible clients are presented with plenty of options to convince the latter of buying from them. With this kind of business strategy, agents are assured of making a sale.

Health insurance agents need to know that each of their prospects is different from one another, in a way that each has different insurance needs. What is more, working prospects in the past is entirely diverse during the present times. Before, an insurance buyer calls several insurance companies or agencies to acquire leads and insurance quotes. This means that the initial contact is done by the buyer or prospect. But during the recent times, information is offered to insurance agents in the form of health insurance leads. It is not the buyers that contact insurance companies but the agents. They are already the ones, who initiate the sales talk. If you want to make sure that you are able to make a sale, you have to know how to convince your prospect into buying your product.

There are certain important points that you have to remember when talking to health insurance prospects. The first is to contact them several times. Insurance buyers may not like the agents calling them everyday. This goes especially if there are plenty of agents calling them. You would not want to be one of these pesky insurance brokers or agents. It is recommended that you contact prospects for duration of thirty days. This is the usual, when it comes to personal insurance. On the other hand, commercial and life insurance takes sixty to ninety days of contact. Health insurance leads require longer period. When you call several times, you are allowing the prospect to get familiar with your name. Plus, you will get to converse more with the buyer and know what he or she is looking for. Communicating constantly with your prospects will allow you to build a good rapport with them.

Aside from calling several times, you might want to send your health insurance prospects multiple emails. This method is better than sending quotes through post mail. This is due to the fact that emails are received faster than the latter. Prospects turn to online leads because they want immediate answers from insurance companies or agents. If you send out quotes through the post, this will turn your warm leads into cold leads.

If you are not received warmly by your health insurance prospect, do not hesitate to call again. It does not hurt to offer them your product for many times. You are not wasting your time since you are merely reconnecting with your leads. This strategy is sometimes called as continuous marketing. The more you convince them of the benefits of your insurance product, the more they would want to consider it. Through constant exposure to your name and your offers, together with the best sales talk, your prospect will eventually warm up to you.

By Vikram kuamr


commercial liability insurance said...

I was thinking how this whole market works and you have pretty explained all the things nicely. But I am confused about the thing that there are so many carriers that are offering their best services then how will I choose one. Its really very difficult task.