Insurance Tips

Friday, September 12, 2008

Securing Yourself Financially For The Future With Critical Insurance

Critical insurance has become one of the most rapidly growing forms of insurance available today. According to, over 1 million of critical insurance policies may have been sold in the UK in the year 2002. Critical insurance was developed as medical improvements enabled people to survive a critical illness that could not have been treated long ago.

Most people gamble with the fact that they may not be caught by a critical illness. This fact stays as a bitter truth which reveals that someone is more probable to fall critically ill than to die before the age of 65. However, statistics do confirm this fact. 1 out of 17 women may suffer from a heart attack before reaching the age of 65. That is why having critical insurance is vital. Also, 1 out of 7 women may contract cancer. Here again the importance of having critical insurance is outlined. Besides

Moreover, men may have a higher risk of contracting a critical illness such as heart attack. The reason is that most men may have started working longer hours thus leading to a stressful environment and lifestyle. This said, it is equally important for men to buy out a critical insurance. 1 out of every 11 men may contract cancer before reaching the age of 65. Similarly, 1 out of 7 men is more likely to suffer from heart attack. Furthermore, 1 out of 27 men may be diagnosed with stroke and finally 1 out of 4 men could have suffered any one of these diseases. Looking at such figures, it is clear that critical insurance has become a must for everyone.

Critical insurance may pay you out a tax free lump sum when you are diagnosed with an illness met by your insurance’s policy definitions. For lump sums to be obtained hassle free, you should read your critical insurance policy documents carefully. Let’s have a look at some recent statistics. According to, 80 percent of men and women aged between 40-45 may survive a critical illness such as heart attack. Out of these around 50 percent may still be alive ten years later. Thanks to critical insurance, treatment costs can be met, thus allowing people to live even after a severe trauma.

Critical insurance may protect you as well as your family in a variety of ways. Should you happen to contract a critical illness such as heart attack in the future, critical insurance may award you a tax free lump sum. With critical insurance, you will be allowed to use the money to pay your mortgage, ease financial pressures due to loss of income and hence cover at least part of debts that may remain. In other words, critical insurance will permit your family to continue on living a decent life.

If you are on the verge of starting a family, it can be an advantage to buy out critical insurance. Critical insurance can guarantee you financial security should anything unfortunate happen to you in the future.


commercial liability insurance said...

Yes I do agree completely with you and do find that its important to be secure by making out a insurance policy. No one can predict what will happen in future. Though we all do take care of our health up to the best but can't be sure that we can't get affected by sort of disease.